
Who would benefit?

An optimiser course is personalised to you

1. Goals & Objectives

Know where you’re heading

2. Current Position

Where you’re starting from, are you on track?

3. Money Management

Getting your budget to work for you

4. Estate Planning

Ownership structures, wills, ensuring your hard work benefits those you love

5. Retirement Planning

Financial independence, investing, putting your money to work

6. Risk Management

Adverse circumstances happen, planning to minimise/limit the damage when it does.

"We have just finished doing a review of our insurances and completed the Optimiser Programme with Stephen. He provided a simple, clear pathway and inspired us to work towards a better financial future. We recommend Stephen and his team at Ark for their professional, timely service with an exceptional balance of wisdom, expertise and empathy."

Optimiser Creator Coach

Stephen Wescombe is a Financial Coach with a diploma in Personal Financial Planning. He is a Certified Financial Planner and has been practising in Canterbury for the past 12 years.

In 2009, Stephen started the Ark Financial Group. Ark currently has 5 advisers and 3 administration staff trading under this name, serving several thousand clients in NZ.

Stephen <br />Wescombe

Coach NZ

Your Financial Future
Your Business
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